[ExI] decaf

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 19:06:21 UTC 2021

Get a PopsRite or one that has the heat coming from the bottom, not the
sides.  Take off the top and store it.  Put in about 2/3 of a cup of green
beans, plug it in and get a long stick to stir it with or the beans will go

Stir the whole time.  When you hear what is called the first crack, start
counting slowly.  A medium roast will be about 60, dark about 90, but each
bean is a bit different. Total time about 5 minutes. The next time you
roast you can increase or decrease the count according to your taste.  Very
dark is a French roast.  Beyond that all you have is carbon.  Totally
black.  Let the popper rest awhile before doing a second batch.

Roast outside. The smell will infuse your house.  I have roasted inside on
the stove with the exhaust fan on high. No exhaust fan?  Put on your coat.

Decaf is a bit different. You will find that you have to use a cup or so of

My regular coffee is a Gesha, sometimes called Geisha (mistakenly). Sumatra
coffee is very different, and so on.  At around $7  a pound you can
experiment. My former favorite was a Yirgacheffe. So many choices.  Mostly
I buy from SweetMarias.

Right now I am mixing a Panama Gesha half and half with the Moka Java.  I
buy a lot at a time because you can't get your favorite bean year round.

If you get into it you might be tempted to buy expensive roasters and
grinders, but the popper works well for me and an under $50 grinder works
just fine.  I don't do anything to make the beans cool faster.  Just pour
them into a bowl and wait.  There are chemical reactions going on which
will take about 3 hours, so don't try to brew any before that.

I also use a French press made by Thermos which, unlike other brands, you
have to decant into something else, keeps your coffee hot.

More recommendations as requested.    bill w

On Sat, Oct 9, 2021 at 12:36 PM Brian Manning Delaney via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> > Most people have never had a cup of coffee outside of Starbucks etc.
> > that wasn't stale when they bought it.  Some people buy five pounds of
> > ground coffee at a time.  Stale stale stale. Roast your own and taste
> > the difference, at the cost of a popcorn popper.
> Indeed. In fact: stale, and burned ("dark roast" – cough) in order to
> cover the staleness (and, often, moldiness).
> > Three minutes in a popcorn popper and you are ready (ask me how).
> How? :)
> Brian
> --
> Brian M. Delaney
> Clinical Trials Liaison
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