[ExI] Report: Gen. Milley held top-secret meeting to block Trump’s nuke access; told staff to disobey all but his orders

Anton Sherwood bronto at pobox.com
Thu Sep 16 04:28:33 UTC 2021

On 2021-9-15 13:23, John Grigg via extropy-chat wrote:
> The general [in the novel] is the quality of man Trump could only dream of being. 
> Handsome, highly intelligent and shrewd, worldly wise, extremely 
> charismatic, loyal to one woman, and adored by much of the public, he 
> wins by a landslide and then goes to work remaking the nation in his image.

Why would Trump dream of being loyal to one woman?

*\\*  Anton Sherwood  *\\*  www.bendwavy.org

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