[ExI] Hazards near your home
pharos at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 13:46:23 UTC 2021
On Thu, 30 Sept 2021 at 14:21, Dave Sill via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 10:19 PM Stuart LaForge via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> I don't necessarily think nuclear reactors should be privately owned.
>> Terrorism, and other risks suggest that nuclear power-plants should be
>> built and run and by the DoD and DoE.
> DoD and DoE? Joint ownership? DoE already oversees reactors.
> The government could do a lot to promote new reactors along the lines of greasing the regulatory skids, but there's a lot of irrational fear associated with nuclear power and nobody in DC has the balls to try to change that.
> I think DoE screwed up when they stopped researching thorium-based reactors.
> Given the widespread failures of our government, I'm not at all comfortable with the idea of them militarizing nuclear power production.
>> Say it is for national security
>> (it is),screw the permits, and build them on military bases. Clear out
>> some of that tinder on Federal land in California that catches fire
>> every year, and use the land to build military forts with nuclear
>> power-plants in them. Use them to power surrounding cities, and maybe
>> sell power cheap to the power companies almost like the Fed does money
>> to banks.
> Cooling water might be scarce in most of those areas.
> -Dave
> _______________________________________________
Lots of small nuclear reactors might be a possible solution.
They are cheaper to construct as it is essentially a factory production line.
And much quicker to build as well.
(Updated September 2021)
There is strong interest in small and simpler units for generating
electricity from nuclear power, and for process heat.
This interest in small and medium nuclear power reactors is driven
both by a desire to reduce the impact of capital costs and to provide
power away from large grid systems.
The technologies involved are numerous and very diverse.
I'm not sure about having thousands of SNRs scattered around though.
There are probably many people that would like to try and make one
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