[ExI] New Atomic Clocks Measure Einstein Time Dilation

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 20:25:17 UTC 2022

New Atomic Clocks Measure Time Dilation of Einstein’s General
Relativity at Millimeter Scale
By National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Feb 16, 2022


JILA physicists have measured Albert Einstein’s theory of general
relativity, or more specifically, the effect called time dilation, at
the smallest scale ever, showing that two tiny atomic clocks,
separated by just a millimeter or the width of a sharp pencil tip,
tick at different rates.

Einstein’s 1915 theory of general relativity explains large-scale
effects such as the gravitational effect on time and has important
practical applications such as correcting GPS satellite measurements.
Although the theory is more than a century old, physicists remain
fascinated by it. NIST scientists have used atomic clocks as sensors
to measure relativity more and more precisely, which may help finally
explain how its effects interact with quantum mechanics, the rulebook
for the subatomic world.


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