[ExI] a gmo heart- NYT

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 00:03:56 UTC 2022

In a development that could radically transform the outlook for people with
failing organs, a 57-year-old man with a life-threatening heart ailment has
received a new heart from a genetically modified pig
the first successful transplant of a pig’s heart into a human.

The Maryland man would have died had he not received a new heart, and he
was too sick to receive a heart from a human donor. His long-term prognosis
remains to be seen, but the first 48 hours, which are critical, passed
without incident.

“I wasn’t sure he was understanding me,” said the man’s doctor, describing
the moment he proposed the procedure. “Then he said, ‘Well, will I oink?’”
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