[ExI] bitcoin again

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Mar 12 19:16:03 UTC 2022



…> On Behalf Of Brent Allsop via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] bitcoin again



Yea, The question is, where is the price going to be in 10, 20, and more years?

Will Ether ever surpass bitcoin?



How would that be measured?  Number of coins times the value of each?  That is the crypto currency equivalent of market capitalization one might suppose.



>…What kind of systems will arise from all this, changing our lives?


Good question.  The way I look at it is that cryptocurrency has created an environment which reminds governments they cannot do what the US government and others have been doing: run huge deficits, rack up staggering debt then just inflate it away.  When they do that, the cryptos become stronger and stronger and stronger.


>…What about all the other crypto currencies?


Not just cryptocurrencies, but other forms of value as well.  Consider art for instance.  We have a new guy who is smashing all previous records for the value of a new artist and the value of art created by a living painter where it is not entirely clear the supply is limited.  Yet still record after record falls as staggering sums are paid for the art.  Apparently he is really really good, a marvel never seen before.




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