[ExI] Lux Aeterna

Jason Resch jasonresch at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 13:27:03 UTC 2022

Beautifully written!


On Sun, Mar 20, 2022, 12:36 AM Rafal Smigrodzki via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> In the beginning, there was no light. Particles and fields of gargantuan
> energies swirled through the early universe, then cooled into a featureless
> gas. A sleet of photons from the first titanic, hypergiant stars ionized
> the now interstellar medium but still there was no light. Generations of
> stars passed and created lifeless planets in the harsh radiation but there
> was no light. Small creatures then evolved and detected data describing
> their environment through their early eyes, connected to insensate brains
> but there was still no light. All was indeterminate, neither bright nor
> dim, under the photons of the Cambrian sun.
> Then one million years or so, sufficiently aware creatures arose and made
> light happen out of neural impulses. Then ever more complex data processing
> evolved, bringing color, warmth, love and hatred into the world. And now we
> are here. *We* paint the stars on the firmament every night. *We* make the
> Sun shine by casting a glance at it. *We* paint the rose red!
> Plato was wrong. We do not live in a cave, dimly perceiving shadows of
> truth. It is us who imbue truth with meaning. *We* give sound to the
> falling tree.
> *We* are the true source of light!
> --
> Rafal Smigrodzki, MD-PhD
> Schuyler Biotech PLLC
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