[ExI] Michio Kaku makes 3 predictions about the future
pharos at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 16:15:14 UTC 2022
Michio Kaku predicts the future, how we'll build cities on Mars, and
why cancer will one day be like the common cold.
By Scotty Hendricks March 20, 2022
How Humanity Will Become an Interplanetary Species
A number of billionaires, scientific thinkers, and those behind the
Artemis program have all independently come to the conclusion that
humanity needs to become a multi-planet species. This idea is nothing
new: Dr. Kaku mentions that he once discussed this with Carl Sagan.
We Will Expand the Brain’s Capabilities
Over the last few decades, there has been an unnoticed but continuous
effort to improve the human body by getting it to work with computers,
and even to replace the body parts that stop working with machines.
We Will Defeat Cancer
Dr. Kaku argues that we are on the verge of finally defeating cancer
once and for all, and sweeping in a new age of scientific discovery
while we’re at it:
“We’re going to have a magic bullet against cancer using nanomedicine.
That is, individual molecules in the cells that can target individual
cancer cells, using nanotechnology.
I'm doubtful about human cities on the desert planet Mars, but maybe
something can be done with it.......
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