[ExI] Michio Kaku makes 3 predictions about the future
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Sun Mar 27 18:06:22 UTC 2022
...> On Behalf Of MB via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] Michio Kaku makes 3 predictions about the future
oooh, spike -
>...I know who I see in your list! Well done, contrats to him! Good to
know some of the younger generation is up to snuff. :) Looks pretty
"Asian", doesn't it, over all.
Warm regards,
Sure does MB, thanks for the congrats, and ja the obvious signal might have
given you a big clue on what kind of contest that was. It was the American
Math Competition.
If you do well on the first ones, scroll down and look at the last ones.
They are in order from easiest to hardest:
25 questions, 75 minutes. The sport is being completely dominated by Asian
Americans. When we administered the test locally, there were 70 competitors
and my son was the only blondie in the group, the only one.
Fun aside: I introduced my son to the sport when he was in grade 8. He
loved the puzzles as much as I did when I was his age. I started out
demonstrating that I was smarter than an 8th grader. But he got better.
Now he kicks my butt so bad, I now hafta reach over my shoulder after I take
a dump.
American Math Competition is a reasonable proxy for engineering skill.
If I may be so bold as to state the obvious: in the West, we are getting
ourselves wrapped around the axle trying to figure out if there is any real
difference between male and female (simple proof: if XX=XY then X=Y) while
Asia is not worrying about that question. Asia is focusing on transforming
the planet. They will colonize the hell outta Africa and build
mega-projects there.
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