[ExI] video which changed my perspective
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Tue Mar 29 15:03:46 UTC 2022
...> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] video which changed my perspective
On Tue, 29 Mar 2022 at 14:48, spike jones via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Well then, I get it. These medications work for some people. I am not one of them. I am one of the lucky ones: I don’t need to take the risk. I like things the way they are. I like being me. I am good at being me. My favorite cartoon guy is Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. Being me is what I do best. Acid is for Eeyore. Reality is for Tigger.
> spike
> _______________________________________________
>...This discussion reminds me strongly of the religious conversion experience.
Something happens in the brain where people have an overwhelming transcendental experience that shatters previous beliefs and transforms them. ... What it all means I'll leave to others to discuss.
I know this doesn't go to your point, but your post gave me a hearty laugh as I recalled something. Do allow me a running start.
In WW2, an ordinary enlisted man demonstrated remarkable talent fixing airplanes and was chosen as an enlisted pilot, at which time he demonstrated remarkable talent flying them. Long story short... he ended his career as a Brigadier General, a flying ace, a respected leader in the US Air Force. He sounded exactly like my own grandfather, which is no surprise because he was my grandfather's half second cousin once removed. The two were born and raised within a few miles of each other. That man's name was General Chuck Yeager. After the war and the record setting (Yeager became the first pilot to break the sound barrier) he became a living legend among military pilots. They began to emulate his speech patterns, which posed a new problem because Yeager was from the hollers of West Virginia, where they have their own way of talking. To this day, one occasionally hears an airline pilot on the intercom using West Virginia-isms.
Perhaps the most successful evangelist in modern times would be Billy Graham. Well, most of us here have heard Billy Graham. As with pilots adopting Yeager-isms, many evangelists have adopted Graham-isms. Example: Reverend Lovejoy from the Simpsons. When he is at home, he speaks with a Chicago brogue. At the pulpit, he is all Billy Graham.
It occurred to me that those selling pharmaceutical salvation, chemical conversion experiences, might have similar success should they adopt the notions of Dr. Timothy Leary. Perhaps the most famous Leary-ism: tune in, turn on, drop out. I myself adopted two thirds of that Leary-ism and modified it for my scouts. When it is time to fall in at the end of the meeting, I tell them: tune in, turn on, pipe down and listen up.
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