[ExI] publish or perish?
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Tue May 3 15:49:00 UTC 2022
From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com>
…> On Behalf Of Dave S via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] publish or perish?
On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 8:20 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <…
>>>…Should they be?
>>…Maybe. -Dave
>…Cool excellent. The question trifurcates into a simple yes, a simple no or a subtle, complicated and interesting set of maybes.
>…I will attempt to defend all three branches of that trifurcation in a future post, but I want to hear other thoughts on the matter please. spike
OK here goes. Should all tweets be adjudicated equally?
1. Ja of course: pretty simple really. Create a set of rules, then have the moderators follow them.
2. No of course not. The posters with huge followings have the power to influence the masses, so with great power comes great responsibility, so extra scrutiny is justifiable.
3. Maybe: These sets of arguments are complicated but generally intuitive. A company has a certain level of resources available for this sort of thing, and they must be used judiciously. It is flat impossible to monitor 200 million tweeters, so even if we want to make it perfectly fair, it isn’t possible. It would take a thousand times the number of moderators to do it.
OK then, cool. As a thought experiment, imagine that Musk leaves aaaallll those meatmods in place, and adds a new, additional layer of moderation done by software. So now you have softmods and meatmods working in parallel, not second guessing each other, but only filtering according to their understanding of what they are supposed to do. So now, the space cannot possibly be less safe than it was before, only more safe ja? Neither group overrides the other’s decision. If either group filters a text, the other group allowing it is irrelevant. Every post must pass both the soft layer and the meat layer. Fair enough?
OK now what happens please?
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