[ExI] Nonspecific effects of Covid vaccines
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Wed May 4 13:37:05 UTC 2022
...> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] Nonspecific effects of Covid vaccines
On Wed, 4 May 2022 at 04:07, Rafal Smigrodzki via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Un-fucking-believable!
> https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4072489
> It is highly likely that mRNA Covid vaccines have dramatic negative so-called non-specific effects on non-Covid mortality...
> Spike, I am sorry for dismissing your concerns about the new Covid vaccines.
> Rafal
> _______________________________________________
Rafal, there were (and are) so many unknowns with the mRNA vaccines, yet look at how society handled it. Oh we collectively screwed up. The risks were systematically downplayed, the news sites which went anywhere near a balanced presentation were vilified as being anti-vaxxers and Trump followers (ironic since Trump endorsed the vaccines while the current VP said she wouldn't trust any vaccine developed in Trump's administration (so why weren't the real anti-vaxxers accused of being Harris followers?)) The whole thing was highly politicized when it shoulda been highly science-ized.
Lesson: talkta ya docta. Don't listen to some goof who makes his living getting elected to stuff, talkta ya docta. Those guys are fine lads (in my case lass.) They made it thru the marathon of med school, they know stuff. Every one of them I know personally is a do-the-right-thing sorta person. They seldom have ulterior motives, they aren't running for office. They risked their freaking lives to come to work during the peak of the pandemic in order to help people, and they didn't do that for money because they know they might end up the richest guy in the cemetery, but in they came (thank you doctors (my own doctor diagnosed me while I was so damn sick I couldn't walk to her office.))
Rafal in my own circle, there four deaths close to me, two of covid with covid, two of covid without covid. Reasoning: my step mother and the father of a good friend both caught, both recovered but were weakened enough they couldn't make it, died within a month. But both were in their 80s and both had major medical problems: one had bad heart disease and atherosclerosis, my step mother had survived cancer twice and had it again.
But I had two cousins: one was a 28 yr old who suicided after his business failed from being shut down. The other was 64, had COPD but the medics kept it under control with diuretics for 15 years. Covid caused the local hospital to close permanently, he wouldn't go to the hospital in the city, ran outta meds, adios amigo.
>...I found one British news website reporting this paper.
It explains the results in plain English for the non-scientist reader.
An important lesson here is in information distribution. I think we have seen systematic suppression of reports on the risks of the vaccines and systematic exaggeration of the benefits.
Aside: I saw BillK's response to Rafal, but not Rafal's original post from 4.07 today. I still don't see Rafal's original post.
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