[ExI] calling all artists and writers
Will Steinberg
steinberg.will at gmail.com
Mon May 16 01:09:09 UTC 2022
WHO: a team of strange folk who see in crypto the same freedom of use and
expression that came in the early days of the WWW. we want to show the
world that crypto isn't a ponzi scheme or speculative bubble, but a
necessary technology that will bring massive advances to global equity and
consumer agency, and also is just a really fun and weird space where you
can make cool shit
THING: a project -- crypto adjacent -- will give more info privately
VIBE: cypherpunk, cyberpunk, vaporwave, diy, gonzo, crustpunk, psychedelic,
hellenic, alchemypunk, anarchist, h+, philip k dick,1990-2000, playstation
1, anime, psychonaut, physics, tarot, &c.
NEED: {Short form}: art, writing, comics, humor, photo, design, puzzles,
games. video/audio/videogame and other dynamic media also desired but less
GIVE: more than adequate compensation
DO: forward to potentially interested parties
thanks all
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