[ExI] uv as an antiviral

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Nov 11 21:19:47 UTC 2022

...> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] uv as an antiviral

On Fri, 11 Nov 2022 at 20:28, spike jones via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
< snip wacky ideas>
> Time to go back and look at previously-rejected ideas, ja?
> spike
> _______________________________________________

I think you might be leaping outside your area of expertise.  :)

Radiation therapy is much studied, especially re cancer treatments.
The big problem is that viruses are really tiny, far smaller than the cells
that they infect.
Viruses are sub-microscopic. That's how they can drift about in the air and
spread infection.
Cancer radiation therapy targets destroying cancer cells.
You can't target viruses because they are inside cells, throughout the human

But research is still worth doing, if they can get funding.


Ja, leaping outside of my area of expertise.  The experts restrict their
field of view to what they know works.  It is good they do that.

BillK, it was a heady trip, was it not?  When in spring of 2020, I recovered
from a mystery illness and came home from the hospital, I started reading up
on this new virus that does all the things I just recovered from, learning
about mRNA and all that cool stuff, then in the fall of 2020 we started
hearing of this new vaccine that might kick off the era of fighting viruses,
as the medics had figured out a way to replicate mRNA the way we have
already been replicating DNA with a process parallel to polymerase chain

I went outside and gazed at the heavens, so in awe of myself.  I recited the
history of the universe.  Big bang, supernovae cooked up heavy elements
which clumped together to form planets.  That took about 10 billion years,
then three more billion for life to produce a really ass-whooping species
that was technology capable, but with these tiny viruses plaguing that
species and all the others on the planet.  Then another hundred thousand
generations of that tech-capable species for advanced technology to blossom
to the point where we could finally, FINALLY, defeat the little bastards.  I
was in awe of myself because of all that, the thought that I,
spike-freaking-Jones and all my friends are living right in that generation
of that one ass-whooping species which accomplished this feat, the coolest
thing in the known universe, right here right now.  I begged me for my own

But... since then it has been a series let-down, ja?  Perhaps we haven't
defeated this virus just yet.  I think we are getting close, and we have
definitely scored a few points, even if we are not there yet.


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