[ExI] Where is the new space odyssey epic?

Giulio Prisco giulio at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 18:07:10 UTC 2022

On 2022. Nov 29., Tue at 16:57, spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> *…*> *On Behalf Of *Giulio Prisco via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* [ExI] Where is the new space odyssey epic?
> >…Turing Church newsletter. Where is the new space odyssey epic? Science
> fiction fans, writers, and filmmakers: we need a new Stanley Kubrick and a
> new Arthur Clarke...
> https://www.turingchurch.com/p/where-is-the-new-space-odyssey-epic
> Hi Giulio, since Turing Church is a place of… sacred… em… churchy stuff, I
> will refrain from posting heresy there and post my notion only here, where
> heresy is tolerated and even encouraged.  You may forward to the church if
> you wish (and I thank you for that organization (which I may join or at
> least visit later (but not now (too busy to commit the time.))))
There are no heresies in Turing Church !

> I could be wrong on this, but many have lost interest to some extent in
> colonizing space for a most fundamental reason: everything in the universe
> is just too dang far apart.  There is no magic technology in propulsion;
> getting out there takes too much energy, effort and money.  This led to my
> speculation that all further space travel past the moon will have
> life-support already built by machinery and any proles going out there will
> be one-way trips.  Getting back is too difficult and unnecessary.  Outer
> space is just too damn big, and the speed of light is way too slow
As I see things, expanding the human habitat into outer space is necessary
because it is necessary. It is a primary goal, not a secondary one that
must be justified from other primary goals.

> The bright side of all this is that there is plenty of inner space right
> here.  The most interesting Space Odyssey in the future will be about how
> we reach inner space (no, I am not talking about smoking anything or some
> philosophical hippy-ey getting in touch with the inner self and meditation,
> none of that (hard sci-fi only please.))  I really mean the actual figuring
> out how to get ourselves down somehow to a very small scale, for there is
> plenty of energy here, plenty of resources, plenty of room at the bottom
> (if I may borrow an inspiring phrase.)
I don’t think we can explore inner spaces without exploring outer spaces.
E.g. for quantum gravities we’ll need to experiment with black holes, and
mathematical models will always fail to capture some aspects of the real
things. Or in other words you can’t explore the world from your armchair,
you need to actually go out.

> Space shmace: there is mre than enough of everything down here and lower,
> if we somehow spawn centiproles, in which we live on the centimeter scale
> rather than the meter scale.  Most life on this planet does exist at that
> scale and smaller.  We are way up here at the big end of the spectrum.
> Think about it.
> spike
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