[ExI] chinese fires, was:RE: book review

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Wed Nov 30 06:20:28 UTC 2022



From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 


>…The difference between that and Marxism is that capitalism succeeds.


It isn’t too surprising considering where I live that I have a lot of
friends who are Chinese expatriates.  They have a lot to say about these
lockdowns the commies are doing to try to prevent spread of covid.  That
they would resort to extreme measures is most astonishing considering the
mild nature of the recent covid variants.  I had it twice: the first time
whooped my ass bigtime, the second was no worse than a typical seasonal flu,
milder than most I have had.  But the Chinese government is flexing its
muscle and reminding the people that the government is the boss, the people
are the slaves.


If anyone in an entire Chinese apartment complex gets infected, the whole
building is locked down.  Recently a fire broke out.  The authorities
wouldn’t let them out for a mere fire.  The commies know what would happen
if they did let the people out for a mere fire: every building which was
locked down would mysteriously have a mere fire, that same day.  Naturally
this government action enraged the populace, who are now rioting.  


OK then.



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