[ExI] More mailing lists of this calibre?
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 15:52:33 UTC 2023
Daniel, I taught psych for many years and still read a lot of books on
various psych subjects. Just what are you interested in? bill w
On Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 10:35 AM efc--- via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> >
> > PB scale storage systems are not boring. Or rather they wouldn't be, if
> the
> > masses were to be more excited by it. I have heard of silicon being used
> > for storage, but never lead. Lead would have its advantages, against
> > radioactive particles and such. Perhaps I misunderstand what you meant
> by
> > PB storage.
> >
> > Oh wait, petabyte. Retract all.
> >
> Haha, sorry, I got caught in my own associations. Yes petabyta and not
> lead.
> As far as the underlying storage goes, it doesn't get more exciting for me
> (or didn't, rather) than finding the right combination of spinning disk,
> solid state disk, tape, cache layer etc. So my job was more in selecting
> and applying technology than inventing.
> Before I moved on to my own business, the most interesting development I
> was following was going from dedicated storage systems to software defined
> storage systems being built on commodity servers instead of specialized
> hardware. But I'll leave that for now, unless someone is interested of
> course.
> > What has been happening here in the past few weeks is as philosophical
> as it
> > gets. Debating whether ChatGPT is conscious feels like an echo of what
> the
> > chess players were doing in the 1990s: asking if the software really
> > understood chess or was it just calculating mindlessly. What we
> eventually
> > decided was that these were exactly the same thing. It was quite the ego
> > buster.
> >
> > Daniel as a newcomer, with little or no influence from what has been
> posted
> > in the past here, do you have a favorite take on the hot topic of the
> month?
> > I presume you have played with ChatGPT.
> >
> Not ChatGPT, but alpaca.cpp on my local laptop. And is it conscious or
> not? I'm sorry that I have to be "that guy" but that would depend on the
> definition of consciousness. ;)
> But based on my own playing around and very much amateur opinion, I have
> not detected any traces of an independent "will" or goals, but only
> reactions to inputs.So based on a badly defined and very "day to day"
> definition of
> consciousness I'd say no.
> But, give me a definition, and I'll give you an answer. ;)
> I have read some threads here as well, and what I'd like to see thrown
> into the ChatGPT mix is memory or state, "will" or goals, an ability to
> react to outside stimulus, and generation of new knowledge and not just
> follow logical deductions. Right now, I see ChatGPT as a component or
> some kind of "center of the brain" that could perhaps be glued together
> with other systems and perhaps the system of systems would in a few years
> time get closer to something I would view as consciousness.
> Best regards,
> Daniel
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