[ExI] list intimidation

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Wed Apr 12 10:44:45 UTC 2023

On Mon, 10 Apr 2023, Ben Zaiboc via extropy-chat wrote:

> What are you expected to do? lie all the time? Be a fake person?

I have a feeling that this is a list of the type of persons who are
attracted to this mailing list maybe?

Technical/scientific people who work in areas where things work or don't

However, I've worked a lot (and am working) in sales and management, so
I think this is not a binary question. Depending on the situation, and
what you want to get out of the situation, you can phrase your intent in
many different ways.

If I know that someone in my team doesn't react well to direct feedback,
I try to soften the blow. If someone doesn't get nuances, I give it to
him straight.

I don't see that as me "faking" or hiding who I am. I see that as me
trying to communicate as effectively as possible to get my ideas across.

> Each point is saying 'this, this, this.. on the other hand that that that'. So what are we meant to understand from this?

Not much. I would take with me the message that adapt how you
communicate depending on the situation and what you would like to get
out of it.

Best regards, 

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