[ExI] list intimidation

SR Ballard sen.otaku at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 18:20:04 UTC 2023

> hang out with the non-hipsters who have no idea what is a troon, or don’t
care even if they knew because the online forum is just that way: no one
knows how you look or act in the meat world.

Spike, unfortunately, due to the modern news cycle, everyone knows what
that is. People who don't like trans people accuse me of being MTF, people
who do like trans people accuse me of a closeted FTM. In high school and
college, people were pressuring me to transition and that was more than a
decade ago when people didn't even really know what that stuff was. I got
it all through school and even often said "I wish I was a boy" because I
wanted to be taken seriously, and people would have understood my interests
better if I had been a boy.

That's just how it is, in the end. People rarely like you for who you are,
but what you can do for them. And as a woman I can be sweet and kind and
inoffensive, and people will enjoy that. I have a somewhat large twitter
following of people who would give me money just because I'm sweet to them,
encouraging, and post cute bunny pictures.

To be honest I find my conversations about how the Indo-Europeans laid the
foundations for the current Western Paradigm to be much more interesting --
but others disagree. That's just how it is. I accept that I don't like what
others like, and they don't care about my interests, except for my fiance
and like 6 other people online. And that's okay.

I'm  trying to bully him onto the list, but to no avail. I think you and he
would get on really well spike.

On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 2:12 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> *…*> *On Behalf Of *SR Ballard via extropy-chat
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] list intimidation
> >…Many people over the years, especially women, have been particularly
> nasty to me about it, including screaming in my face, telling me I would
> die alone, and no one would ever love me…
> Bah!  Nonsense.  We love you SR, and we haven’t even met.
> >…So I gave in and made a fake personality. Now every time I try to be
> more authentic I get labeled “a troon”.  SR Ballard
> Easy solution SR, hang out with the non-hipsters who have no idea what is
> a troon, or don’t care even if they knew because the online forum is just
> that way: no one knows how you look or act in the meat world.  All that
> unpleasant social clumsiness business is irrelevant, it goes away.  Cool!
> That was so liberating for me.  Now I get to replace all that with fresh,
> new online social clumsiness business.  Tests show that to be 30% less
> awkward.
> I am not alone however.  Back in the days when we could only speculate
> about what appears to be happening now, there were a lot of us in the
> area.  But we seldom met for much of anything in person.  That way, we
> could all assume the others were meeting and having a great time without
> us, that we had been intentionally excluded from the cool-kids club.  This
> reinforced our oddly-comforting self image as a lonely pariah.  It was most
> disturbing on the times when we met to learn that the others really didn’t
> meet in person since last time either.  We can’t all be pariahs.  It
> invited a competition for the title of most pariahey, so we would know who
> had best mastered the geek skill of pariety.
> The few occasions where we did meet, it would become easy to explain why
> those infrequent meetings were so delightfully weird, yet socially
> unrefined.
> It was really cool when one of us brought a sweetheart or spouse or
> innocent uninitiated soul who was unaccustomed to… us.  Melanie Swan’s
> boyfriend, oh he made a great example.  Party at my house, that poor lad
> thought he had stumbled into a pit of geeks.  He was right of course, but
> escaped unharmed (depending on how one defines the term.)
> I could go on and on.  But I already did, and besides that, your
> imagination of a geek party suffices.
> spike
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