[ExI] permanent changes
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 20:53:01 UTC 2023
Think of your mood/emotion regulation (mood being a slight emotion - a
slight feeling being a micromood) as like a thermostat that keeps you from
getting too far either way. Sometimes it loses control and we go out of
control in a rage or a rape. But it will return to its set place if
nothing is happening to create a mood or emotion.
There are statistics and then there are statistics. Who imagined that the
number of muscles involved had anything to do with anything?
In a duh your jaw would be hanging down and you would truly look like the
village idiot.
As an aside: people are very poor at knowing how tense they are. Measure
the tenseness in the neck muscles and ask the person how tense they are:
poor correlation. Usually more tense than they report. (for tenseness try
the Jacobson relaxation technique - works well for stress and for going to
sleep if you have difficulty with that).
No charge for the advice. bill w
On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 1:46 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> *On Behalf
> Of *William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
> >…FAking pleasantness and becoming pleasant? ..and if you cease your
> 'faking' you will regress to your mean, which is grumpy. …bill w
> Easy solution: don’t regress to the mean. Regress only to the nice. Then
> you won’t be grumpy.
> Oh wait, you meant mean the statistical sense. OK disregard all.
> It does make one wonder: you have heard that old (and probably false)
> notion that it takes 17 facial muscles to smile and 31 to frown (or some
> such nonsense) well how does they figure? Whoever started that silly
> notion, what did they do to get those numbers? And if they wants to go
> that route, how many muscles does it take to make the duh face? NONE!
> Relax every facial muscle, try it, right now, get a mirror, relax
> everything. Your spouse will look at you and say “Ok what’s this about,
> why are we making duh faces at ourselves in the mirror?” I really don’t
> consider that a good reason to go around looking like that, arguing that it
> conserves energy. You know it would be: Hey, spike, what’s with you? Me:
> Nothing, its my resting duh face.
> Nope. Not buyin it, me lad.
> spike
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