[ExI] Symbol Grounding

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Mon Apr 24 10:03:42 UTC 2023

Hello Brent,

On Sun, 23 Apr 2023, Brent Allsop via extropy-chat wrote:

> the brain, till you find what it is that has a redness quality.  So, we are collecting the signature, and once we get enough,
> experimentalists will finally get the message and then start doing this, and eventually be able to demonstrate to everyone what it is

Are you saying that your view is so unpopular that no experimentalist is
willing to help you with experiments? That would be a shame. =( This
conversation aside, and just out of pure curiousity, how much would such
an experiment cost? And is it common for experimentalists to ignore
unpopular theories?

> The reason I am bugging you functionalists is because I desperately want to understand how everyone thinks about consciousness,

I find eveyrones tenacity admirable in a way, and I'm looking forward to
seeing if anyone will have an "aha" moment, where one is able to break
through to the other. =)

Best regards, 

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