[ExI] a little essay on anger and respect
Ben Zaiboc
ben at zaiboc.net
Tue Apr 25 20:18:06 UTC 2023
On 25/04/2023 17:42, bill w wrote:
> Belief overrides reason almost every time
> for the vast majority of people. spike
> How do you know this, Spike and Ben? What is the basis for your
> belief? Just a general cynicism about humans? 'People are getting
> dumber'- a question on Quora this morning for me. My answer - how do
> you know this? "Well, doesn't everyone know these things?" Nope.
> A better sentence: many times irrational ideas override reason. But
> it varies from person to person, just like anything else. I think
> perhaps extremists at either end of the spectrum will fit the
> statement better. Statements that apply to most of the human race are
> very difficult to make in a valid way. bill w
No argument from me. "many times" ~= "almost every time". And yes, of
course, there will always be outliers. Evolution guarantees it.
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