[ExI] KISS retires and becomes an avatar band

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Mon Dec 4 13:46:16 UTC 2023

On 03/12/2023 22:23, BillK wrote:
> Humans can do so much more in the virtual universe.
> Will we eventually leave reality and make our own reality?

We will definitely make new realities, probably very many of them, but 
you can't leave base reality. You can ignore it, but you can't leave it.

I expect those who want nothing more to do with it will choose to let 
others take care of it (a risky choice, if you ask me), while they spend 
a subjective eternity in various fantasy worlds.

But I see no reason why you couldn't have both, and dip in and out of 
whatever experiences you wanted to, or perhaps with the right brain 
architecture, experience more than one reality simultaneously.

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