[ExI] Islands of trans-humanity

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Mon Dec 4 13:53:06 UTC 2023

On 03/12/2023 22:23, Kelly Anderson wrote:
> ChatGPT says that, "one notable example is the works of Peter F.
> Hamilton, whose sci-fi novels often include humans who have evolved
> into subspecies, influenced by technology, ideology, and biology." Has
> anyone read Hamilton's books? Worth the read??

Definitely worth the read. I've read all of his stuff, I think, and 
nothing strikes me as being not worth it.

Some of the novels are BIG books (most of them actually), so be prepared 
for that. Good world-building, and he doesn't just stick to one. I found 
lots of transhumanist ideas in his stuff, and rate him as one of my 
favourite authors (ranking alongside Iain M Banks, which should indicate 
how highly I regard him).

Highly Recommended.

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