[ExI] Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Tue Dec 5 11:33:24 UTC 2023

Hello John,

Does this mean that the list is hosted on google infrastructure or has 
some tight connection with it? If so, what about moving to another cloud 

Best regards,

On Tue, 5 Dec 2023, John Klos via extropy-chat wrote:

>>> WTF is this?
>>> Message blocked
>>> Your message to extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org has been blocked. See 
>>> technical details below for more information.
>>> The response from the remote server was:
>>> 541 5.7.1 Intrusion attempt denied from
> Google doesn't care if their servers are configured properly, since it 
> becomes someone else's problem. Some of their servers give a name for 
> themselves which doesn't match the server, or they give a blank name. It 
> appears that's what happened here.
>> I get this error about once a month.
>> The IP address says that it is a Google server that is complaining.
>> As Daniel says, just wait a while and resend, and it goes through OK.
> Since there are no actual humans at Google with whom any of us mere regular 
> people can communicate, that's what we'll have to do :)
> John
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