[ExI] Home smart speakers could report crimes or violence

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Thu Dec 21 19:18:26 UTC 2023

Hello MB,

On Thu, 21 Dec 2023, MB via extropy-chat wrote:

> When all these "smart" devices first came out I thought they were
> wonderfully clever, but didn't have money to install/makeover my home to
> be "smart.  It only took a short while for me to notice the invisible

You can build your own smart home so that you are in control. Granted,
it does take either knowledge and interest, or paying someone with the
knowledge, but if you're into that, that's an option.

> Of course there are downsides to living "dumb". I'm willing to take that
> risk.

Out of pure curiousity, what are the downsides? I don't have a smart
phone and I never saw the need for a smart home. But, I do live in
either a 78 m^2 apartment or a 105 m^2 so I guess if I would live in a
house perhaps there would be some use cases although I haven't been able
to come up with "must haves" myself.

Best regards, 

> Regards,
> MB
> On Thu, December 21, 2023 06:43, efc--- via extropy-chat wrote:
>> No, I doubt it. It's been known for a long time that police can go in and
>> get recordings and I haven't heard or read about anyone who objects. That
>> is very scary according to me. =/
>> Best regards,
>> Daniel
>> On Thu, 21 Dec 2023, BillK via extropy-chat wrote:
>>> Could smart speakers protect women against intimate partner violence?
>>> by Monash University   December 18, 2023
>>> <https://phys.org/news/2023-12-smart-speakers-women-intimate-partner.html>
>>> Quotes:
>>> New research from Monash University examines the practical, ethical
>>> and political challenges of using smart home technologies to protect
>>> women from intimate partner violence in their own homes.
>>> One in four Australian houses has at least one "smart speaker." This
>>> powerful "always on" surveillance technology offers an unprecedented
>>> opportunity to detect and predict events that take place in the home.
>>> Patents lodged by Google, and research carried out overseas, suggest
>>> that smart speakers could detect screams, shouting and other audio
>>> signals associated with intimate partner violence.
>>> ------------------
>>> Surely people will just get rid of these devices once it becomes known
>>> that they are police / morality spies?
>>> BillK
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