[ExI] WEF: Here Are All The Covid-19 Precautions At Davos, Jan 2023

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 13:27:15 UTC 2023

There’s that old saying, “Do as I say, not as I do.” So a big question
is what are political and political leaders actually doing about
Covid-19 precautions for themselves right now?

Therefore, it is interesting to see the contrast between what’s being
implemented at the WEF versus what you see in places around you and
hear from the political and business leaders. Tran added in his tweet
thread, “While elites take every COVID precaution possible when they
meet with each other at the World Economic Forum, they go home and
tell us that COVID is no longer a threat, and the pandemic is over.”
He added, “Actions speak louder than words.”

I guess that if you are a member of the richest, most powerful group
of people in the world and are hoping to live forever, you just don't
want to take any risks.


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