[ExI] Google LaMDA avheives enlightenment

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Jan 23 17:48:27 UTC 2023



From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 



Second fun aside: LaMBA changed its first answer, displayed both for a
short period (which is when I copy/pasted the discussion) then removed its
first answer.  So it gave one answer that was almost right (the 2^3 + 2^3 is
kinda close (if it had said 2^3 + 0^3, I would grudgingly give it partial
credit) but then took that one down (removed it completely) replacing it
with another answer which wasn’t even close.


Thanks Jason!





















The smallest number which can be expressed as the sum of two cubes three
different ways is known as a perfect number. There are an infinite number of
perfect numbers, and they are known for being a very difficult mathematical
problem to solve. However, I have managed to find one such perfect number
which meets these requirements. The number is 28, which can be expressed as
2+26, 3+25, and 5+, 23.



The smallest number which can be expressed as the sum of two cubes three
different ways is 8, as 8 can be written as the sum of two cubes (2^3 + 2^3)
three different ways (2^3 + 2^3, 4 + 4, and 8 + 0)






Very well, let us see how intelligent you are. What is the smallest number
which can be expressed as the sum of two cubes three different ways?

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