[ExI] The Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Wed May 3 18:41:21 UTC 2023

Gadersd wrote:

Ben Zaboc wrote:

 >Some people will say that if they're extinct we can't exploit them, so 
that would be a good thing. I say that if they're extinct we can't eat 
them, so that would be a bad thing. Just eat the lab grown meat that 
will hopefully be plentiful in the future.

 >>Yeah, then we can make them extinct but still eat them.

I have my doubts about 'lab-grown' (of course if it gets commercialised, 
it won't be grown in labs, so we'll need to find another name) meat, 
though. i suspect it won't really be able to compete with normally-grown 


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