[ExI] Self-driving cars are bad at the social part of traffic

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue May 30 21:44:11 UTC 2023

May 30th, 2023   Posted by Michael Skov Jensen
"The ability to navigate in traffic is based on much more than traffic
rules. Social interactions, including body language, play a major role
when we signal each other in traffic. This is where the programming of
self-driving cars still falls short," says Barry Brown.

“Self-driving cars are causing traffic jams and problems in San
Francisco because they react inappropriately to other road users.
Recently, the city’s media wrote of a chaotic traffic event caused by
self-driving cars due to fog. Fog caused the self-driving cars to
overreact, stop, and block traffic, even though fog is extremely
common in the city,” Brown says.

Robotic cars have been in the works for 10 years and the industry
behind them has spent over DKK 40 billion (about $5.7 billion) to push
their development. Yet the outcome has been cars that still drive with
many mistakes, blocking other drivers and disrupting the smooth flow
of traffic.


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