[ExI] Why women in the U.S. now have a life expectancy nearly 6 years longer than men

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Nov 18 10:44:40 UTC 2023

An analysis of data shows that the life expectancy gap between men and
women has widened to nearly 6 years, from a low of 4.8 years in 2010.

Researchers said the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the gap and also
caused overall life expectancy to fall by 2.5 years.

A number of factors are also likely contributors, including
socioeconomic status, risky behaviors, and the fact that men are more
likely to die from COVID-19.

Researchers pointed to crises such as overdose deaths, homicide, and
suicide as causes for concern.

One of the simplest reasons for the widening life expectancy gap since
the pandemic is, on the surface, pretty straightforward: men were more
likely to die from COVID-19.

“It is unclear the extent to which this was due to immunologic
differences, vaccination rates, mask wearing, environmental exposure,
or underlying medical conditions,” said Cutler. “But certainly, taking
additional measures to avoid COVID infection and serious illness would
narrow the gap.”
But understanding why men are more likely than women to die from
COVID-19 is a little more complicated.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly brought attention to the
existing health inequities in our society,” explained Dr. Kelvin
Fernandez, a resident physician at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
in New Jersey who was not involved in the study. “I’ve observed that
men’s health often takes a backseat due to societal pressures and

That final comment is a very tactful way to say that in the USA,
poorer men cannot afford medical care or to take time off work for


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