[ExI] The multiverse is unscientific nonsense

Stuart LaForge avant at sollegro.com
Mon Nov 20 04:44:51 UTC 2023

On 2023-11-19 13:41, Tara Maya via extropy-chat wrote:
> Oh no, someone came out and said it. The Emperor has no clothes.

Huh? I thought vanilla Copenhagen QM was the Emperor?

Stuart LaForge

>> On Nov 14, 2023, at 2:54 PM, BillK via extropy-chat 
>> <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> The multiverse is unscientific nonsense
>> It's all mere speculation
>> 13th November 2023
>> Jacob Barandes
>> Lecturer in Physics, working on the philosophy of physics, at Harvard
>> University.
>> <https://iai.tv/articles/the-multiverse-is-unscientific-nonsense-auid-2668>
>> Quotes:
>> Everyone from physicists like Michio Kaku to Marvel superheroes
>> propagate the idea of the multiverse - an infinite set of parallel
>> universes. But Jacob Barandes argues that any talk of multiverses is
>> nothing more than wild speculation, be it in quantum mechanics or
>> cosmology, and that physicists and philosophers are not doing the
>> public a service by suggesting otherwise.
>> Readers may have heard that according to a particular interpretation
>> of quantum theory, we’re living in a “quantum multiverse” consisting
>> of parallel realities that exist “in superposition.” And according to
>> certain lines of research coming out of string theory, our observable
>> universe is only a small part of a vast “cosmic multiverse” containing
>> other regions of space in which the fundamental laws of physics are
>> substantially different.
>> These are extraordinary claims, too, but we don’t have extraordinary
>> evidence for them – not by a long shot. As such, any talk of
>> multiverses – whether the quantum kind or the cosmic kind – is nothing
>> more than wild speculation at this point. With all due respect,
>> physicists and philosophers are not doing the public a service by
>> suggesting otherwise, even when they include caveats.
>> -----------------------
>> Quite a long article. It goes into a fair amount of detailed 
>> discussion.
>> BillK
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