[ExI] Are transhumanists becoming the bad guys?

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Thu Nov 30 00:15:40 UTC 2023

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of
efc--- via extropy-chat
Subject: [ExI] Are transhumanists becoming the bad guys?

Hello list,

The other day I was listening to a conspiracy pod and all of a sudden, I
heard a medium talk about how the transhumanists want to eradicate all
spiritual values and merge humanity with the machine.

In my own home cooked transhumanist version, transhumanists are optimistic,
life affirming people who are solving problems with science and technology.

So when did transhumanists start to become the bad guys in conspiracy
circles? Did anyone of you encounter this in real life or in virtual life?

Curious shift in narrative that completely passed me by and caught me by

Best regards,


Dang, did we forget to brief Daniel on the big conspiracy?

No worries Daniel, they forgot me too.


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