[ExI] video

Brent Allsop brent.allsop at gmail.com
Sun Oct 1 20:19:24 UTC 2023

Yea, and if they can't do that yet, how much longer?  A year or so?
And when will AI make the perfect custom movie (way better for us than any
studio could create with gazillions of $$$$) for each and every one of us,
the instant we are in the mood for watching such a movie?  2 years?  3 most?

On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 2:15 PM efc--- via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> My amateur guess would be "yes". Looking forward to the experts opinion.
> =)
> Best regards,
> Daniel
> On Sun, 1 Oct 2023, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat wrote:
> > Just how good is videoediting?  For instance:  take an old football game
> video.  Could they put other people in the suits, change the
> > suits, change the people in the crowd, and so on while still keeping the
> action identical so it looked like the older game but with
> > different players?
> >
> > bill w
> >
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