[ExI] world's smallest nerf gun

Brent Allsop brent.allsop at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 17:47:56 UTC 2023

Thanks!!  Sooo Coool
I guess the Mormon BYU isn't all bad.

Oh, and here is the link to the actual video, right?:

On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 8:44 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> This hasta be the coolest video I have seen in months.  This guy created
> the world’s smallest… well… sort of a nerf gun… using DNA strands.
> When I see stuff like this, it causes me to realize that stuff like
> creating something like an MBrain using nodes possibly constructed of DNA
> strands is a possibility.
> Check it out, this guy is a kick.  I have been a fan of his for years.
> Keith check it out:
> spike
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