[ExI] quote of the day

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 16:10:02 UTC 2023

Hey Daniel:  Please refer to Bill W or Bill K instead of just 'Bill'.
Thanks!   bill w

On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 10:48 AM efc--- via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Hello Bill,
> Yes, perhaps the country or nation as the unit of organization is fading
> away, and in the future the fundamental unit will be the corporation. No
> more citizens, but associates, share holders and employees. No more
> presidents and parliaments, but CEO:s and share holders meetings.
> Then the mergers will happen, and we'll have the Wayland corporation and
> the Umbrella corporation.
> What will be interesting though, is if any of these future
> megacorporations will drop the fig leaf, and rename their purchased
> country of choice in their own image?
> Imagine... the country of X will no longer be know as X, but from now on
> will be known as The Umbrella Corporation.
> Wouldn't that be a finger in the face of the old countries and old
> politicians?
> Well, age old science fiction themes, but still entertaining to think
> about.
> Best regards,
> Daniel
> On Fri, 6 Oct 2023, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat wrote:
> > I think that whatever the global megacorporations will obey is the
> government we will have.  They will do the planning of the economy
> > because they 'are' the economy.  bill w
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 6:12 AM efc--- via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> >       Hello Gadersd,
> >
> >       On Thu, 5 Oct 2023, Gadersd via extropy-chat wrote:
> >
> >       > laws and governments remains to permit this option. I dread a
> future
> >       > in which centralization has the whole of humanity trapped within
> a
> >       > singular regime. I am not sure how AI will change the competitive
> >
> >       I agree. This is one of my biggest fears as well. If we look at
> humanity
> >       at large, it does look as if there is a historical trend of ever
> greater
> >       consolidation and centralization. From families on the savannah, to
> >       tribes, to cities, to city states, to many countries and kingdoms
> and
> >       today to the 200:ish countries we have.
> >
> >       If the trend continues, and once there is a world government in
> place,
> >       there will be no place to run in case of corruption or
> malfunctioning of
> >       the system.
> >
> >       Makes one wonder if that in turn, will generate a future like in
> The
> >       Expanse or The moon is a harsh mistress, where we expand outwards
> away
> >       from the centralized tyrrany and if the colonies will once again
> break
> >       free, to then start the cycle of centralization again?
> >
> >       Or will we end up in a utopian Star trek universe where all is
> good and
> >       everything is post scarcity, despite the centralized governing
> function?
> >
> >       Best regards,
> >       Daniel
> >
> >
> >
> >       >
> >       >> On Oct 4, 2023, at 5:40 PM, efc--- via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> >       >>
> >       >> True. ;)
> >       >>
> >       >> On Wed, 4 Oct 2023, Brent Allsop wrote:
> >       >>
> >       >>> And democracy is the first step, but you still suffer from
> politics.
> >       >>
> >       >> Well, on a more serious note, corona was the final straw that
> made me
> >       >> lose all hope in democracy as a sustainable long term way of
> running
> >       >> society. Haven't bothered to vote since then, and don't know if
> I ever
> >       >> will.
> >       >>
> >       >> When it comes to living life the way I want to live it, I am a
> proponent
> >       >> of the following techniques:
> >       >>
> >       >> 1. Voting with your feet (this is the most amount of voting I
> do). 2. Incorporating yourself. 3. Find good lawyers or
> >       read the law book yourself to use the system
> >       >> against itself, and to make it work for you.
> >       >>
> >       >> But voting... I think I'm done with that game.
> >       >>
> >       >> Best regards, Daniel
> >       >>
> >       >>
> >       >>> And of course the solution to that is giving every lost soul
> at the bottom a voice (no censoring) and building and
> >       tracking consensus
> >       >>> so things can scale.
> >       >>> Once you find enough  people that want the same thing you do,
> it will just happen.
> >       >>> Building and tracking consensus is the only hard part of
> getting anything done.
> >       >>> On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 2:17 PM efc--- via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> >       >>>      Or was it "the last politician strangled with the
> entrails of the last
> >       >>>      politician."? ;)
> >       >>>
> >       >>>      Best regards,
> >       >>>      Daniel
> >       >>>
> >       >>>      On Sun, 1 Oct 2023, William Flynn Wallace via
> extropy-chat wrote:
> >       >>>
> >       >>>      > “Man will never be free until the last king is
> strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” Diderot
> >       >>>      >
> >       >>>      > bill w
> >       >>>      >
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