[ExI] Simulations of ‘backwards time travel’ can improve scientific experiments

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Mon Oct 16 18:52:57 UTC 2023

If I read this correctly, they send a bunch of photons and then, after
finding out certain criteria, then apply filters to make sure that only the
photons matching those criteria make it through.

They seem to confuse "only the correct photons arrive" with "only the
correct photons were sent", overlooking that the filtered-out photons were
sent too.  The difference between simulated time travel and what they are
doing is the fates of the filtered-out photons.  The difference is enough
to break the simulation for most meaningful purposes.

I wouldn't call this a "deep dive", nor is this specific to quantum
mechanics.  On a macro scale (as in their "gift" analogy), if I know that I
will need one of four things but I do not yet know which one, I can
pre-arrange that one of each of those four will be where I need it when I
need it, and ignore the other three at that time, no temporal shenanigans
(simulated or otherwise) involved.

On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 2:25 AM BillK via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Physicists have shown that simulating models of hypothetical time
> travel can solve experimental problems that appear impossible to solve
> using standard physics.
> <
> https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/simulations-of-backwards-time-travel-can-improve-scientific-experiments
> >
> Quotes:
> Researchers at the University of Cambridge have shown that by
> manipulating entanglement – a feature of quantum theory that causes
> particles to be intrinsically linked – they can simulate what could
> happen if one could travel backwards in time.
> By connecting their new theory to quantum metrology, which uses
> quantum theory to make highly sensitive measurements, the Cambridge
> team has shown that entanglement can solve problems that otherwise
> seem impossible. The study appears in the journal Physical Review
> Letters.
> “We are not proposing a time travel machine, but rather a deep dive
> into the fundamentals of quantum mechanics. These simulations do not
> allow you to go back and alter your past, but they do allow you to
> create a better tomorrow by fixing yesterday’s problems today,” said
> Arvidsson-Shukur.
> ---------------------
> (He then slipped sideways off his bar stool and lay on the floor
> giggling hysterically). :)
> BillK
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