[ExI] earthquake prediction

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Wed Oct 18 16:39:07 UTC 2023


Hey cool, I have long wondered if the USGS could give us a warning in time
to duck and cover in case of an earthquake.  It seemed to me like it could,
given sufficient numbers of detectors and such.  Just a few minutes ago I
got a duck and cover notice from them for the first time.  The earthquake is
a 5.7 epicenter about 90 km northeast of here.  It is not yet fast enough
however, for a quake that size would be nothing by the time the waves
travelled this far.  I heard a creak when my house moved a little, then the
warning came to the phone a few seconds later.


In any case. as they set more detectors and the system matures, it can only
get better.  So maybe we are getting there.



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