[ExI] FW: earthquake prediction
spike at rainier66.com
spike at rainier66.com
Wed Oct 18 18:28:30 UTC 2023
-----Original Message-----
From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com>
>... I heard a creak when my house moved a little, then the warning came to the phone a few seconds later.
> In any case… as they set more detectors and the system matures, it can only get better. So maybe we are getting there.
> spike
> _______________________________________________
Oct 05, 2023
AI-Driven Earthquake Forecasting Shows Promise in Trials
Developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, the AI algorithm correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes a week before they happened during a seven-month trial in China.
The AI was trained to detect statistical bumps in real-time seismic data that researchers had paired with previous earthquakes. The outcome was a weekly forecast in which the AI successfully predicted
14 earthquakes within about 200 miles of where it estimated they would happen and at almost exactly the calculated strength.
Cool. BillK, I mistakenly called the thread earthquake prediction, but what this is really is rapid reporting of a detected quake. I am interested in what happened at school today, which I will not hear about until this afternoon, but it came thru as an emergency alert, which defeats any privacy filters you have on at any level below the on/off switch. The on/off switch pulls rank on everything on the phone, but emergency alerts defeat everything else.
So now, the students have their phones on privacy mode, silent mode, vibrate mode etc. But every classroom would have 30 cell phones honking and urging the cell phoner to duck and cover. My bride and I were in the same room and received the signal about half a second apart, and the duck and cover message on each phone was out of synch by about half a second. If the same message spewed from 30 phones, none of which were in perfect unison, I can imagine that delightfully hilarious chaos would ensue.
News at 5.
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