[ExI] Cheap fuel from coal and solar

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 23:39:05 UTC 2023

On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 4:16 PM BillK via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:


> I doubt that coal liquefaction will be allowed.

Possibly not.  However, odds are the first place will be in Qatar.  I
can't see the government there denying any industrial project.

> The agreement by many nations (not China) to phase out burning coal in
> power stations was necessary to meet the Paris Agreement targets. The
> primary objective of the Paris Agreement is to reduce greenhouse gas
> emissions and transition to cleaner energy sources. This almost
> certainly means that coal liquefaction will also be ruled out.
> The power stations will be solar, wind or atomic.
> It has to be electric tractors and combines for farmers and electric
> trucks for transport.

Electric farm equipment is a long way in the future.  The government
is not going to cut off the use of fossil fuels for farming no matter
how hot it gets.

Would you feel better about this if there was a large air capture
project starting up as well?


> BillK
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