[ExI] Criticisms of Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI)

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 21:34:00 UTC 2023

Hi Daniel
The AI that I quoted is up-to-date. It uses a search engine to find
Authoritative Publications and results from web sites, then the AI
assembles the results.  (See below)
The AIs are being trained continually now, though some may still be
using older data.

Top 3 Authoritative Reference Publications or Domain Names Used in
Answering this Question:
1. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - plato.stanford.edu
2. Physics World - physicsworld.com
3. American Physical Society - aps.org

Web results-
Why the Many-Worlds Interpretation Has Many Problems

Critiques of the Many Worlds (Multiverse) Interpretation of

Many-worlds interpretation

Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

quantum mechanics - Arguments for and against Many Worlds?

On Thu, 14 Sept 2023 at 22:03, efc--- via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Thank you Bill! Seems like the AI and I are in agreement. However, neither
> the AI nor I are the most up to date, so maybe we missed something.
> Do you know when its training data stopped?
> Best regards,
> Daniel
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