[ExI] The meaning of life? Let's solve this together, once and for all! ; )

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Wed Sep 27 21:17:47 UTC 2023

Good evening everyone,

Let's solve this together, once and for all! ;)

When it comes to the meaning of life, I believe that it cannot be found as an
object in the world, and I do not believe that it is something that can be told
which would instantly create meaning. I think that meaning is deeply personal
and it is something which has to be experienced and lived in order to express
and feel it.

The meaning I am talking about is a deep seated, fundamental meaning that
brings you peace as an individual.

But, I also believe there are different levels of meaning, and although it has
been criticized, as an approximate framework to talk within, I kind of like
Maslows pyramid of needs. We have a need for life, a drive to live, for safety,
food, etc. On top of that we have our everyday meaning, we need to feel wanted
and that we produce something. I believe for instance, that the human body was
made for input and output. If you starve the input, or starve the output,
you'll create an imbalance that will impact your psychological health.

So looking at positive psychology, I think we have some pointers and tools to
give us a good foundation for worldly meaning. Add to that, a pinch of stoicism
and epicureanism, and you can, with a bit of skill, create a nice philosophical
"mind castle" for yourself that does away with fear of death and other such

But for me, that is not Meaning with a capital m. All the previous levels in
Maslows pyramid contribute to a good life, but at the top with have the
mystical self-actualization, and I am somewhat attracted to the earth (or
universe) shattering realizations of a union with the universe that the mystics
talk about.

That might be a peak, and on the road to that peak, you can have deep seated
ethical and moral feelings such as doctors when it comes to the sanctity of
life, and saving lives, that give a deep meaning to your life. But just telling
the would-be doctor that it is nice to save lives, is not enough. The meaning
for the doctor is created when he is performing his function.

When it does come to the lighter kind of philosophical meaning, I am very fond
of epicureanism with the understanding that it talks about long-term
sustainable pleasure. But it could be argued, that peak mystical experiences
are aligned with that philosophy, since a deep seated, fully realized meaning
does bring you long-term sustainable pleasure so epicureanism can 
be deeper than it looks at first sight. Actually, I'm not fond of the
word pleasure since I think brings with it bad connotations and associations.
Perhaps contentment might be better? You're the english speaking pros, so I'm
certain you'll be able to nail it down to a better word. =)

So with that said, what do you all think about the meaning of life?

Best regards, 

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