[ExI] Legal euthanasia for mental problems increasing worldwide

Dan Ust dan_ust at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 27 07:28:32 UTC 2024

Regarding Jared Diamond’s book _Collapse_, his analysis of Rapa Nui (Eastern Island) also came under strong criticism. It seems the introduction of rats and then of diseases has more to do with the decline of Rapa Nui community, with disease being the bigger factor. And that didn’t happen until they came in contact with Europeans.

And there was even a book released a few years after his called _Questioning Collapse_ which collects together essays critiquing his theories. (Always check stuff like this. Diamond had his run in the early 2000s, but he was kind of reaching behind his own expertise with his views. Experts in history, anthropology, ecology, etc. were fairly quick to show where his work was questionable.)



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