[ExI] AI and scams

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 12:57:54 UTC 2024

AI-Fueled Scams
Published by Steven Novella Apr 29 2024

Digital life is getting more dangerous.

Literally every day I have to fend off attempts at scamming me in one
way or another. I get texts trying to lure me into responding. I get
e-mails hoping I will click a malicious link on a reflex. I get phone
calls from people warning me that I am being scammed, when in fact
they are just trying to scam me. I even get snail mail trying to con
me into sending in sensitive information. My social media feeds are
also full of fake news and ads. Some of this is just the evolution of
online scamming, but there has also been an uptick due artificial
intelligence (AI). It’s now easier for scammers to create lots of fake
content, and flood our digital space with traps and lures.

AI can assist scammers, so it is about time AI was used to stop scams!


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