[ExI] AI and scams
Ben Zaiboc
ben at zaiboc.net
Tue Apr 30 12:21:24 UTC 2024
[ExI] AI and scams
> Digital life is getting more dangerous
Authoritarian governments are threatened by the free flow of
information, so they have a vested interest in combatting it. One way to
do that is to create a walled garden, but everyone knows that has
limited effectiveness. A better way is to make people distrust what they
see, by creating floods of false and confusing information. This is
obvious in some cases, but I would be very surprised if there weren't a
lot of covert operations around the world creating and spreading
disinformation that gets more and more subtle and difficult to detect as
time goes on. That then makes it easy to brand genuine information (that
a regime wants to censor or suppress) as disinformation too.
This seems to even spread to scientific papers. There has been a flood
of recent cases of papers that were obviously written by AI systems,
with the attendant problems, often with blatant clues to their origin,
creating doubt about their accuracy or validity.
If a regime is 'anti-science', what better way than this to discredit
science and muddy the waters? It's cheap and easy, and can be done on a
massive scale. It threatens the backbone of international scientific
These things are much more worrying than national 'firewalls', as they
affect the whole world.
I don't see any good way to combat or guard against this trend (do you?
Scientific journals doing more to check the papers submitted would be a
start, but would be limited). We may be heading towards a much more
fragmented world where relatively small groups of people only trust
information from within their own group (with the need to constantly
check that their information is indeed accurate), which would slow down
progress immensely.
Ironic, because it's the very AI that we expect will lead to the
singularity that is enabling this. Are we getting closer, or farther
away? It's difficult to say. It looks like a negative feedback mechanism
that prevents cultures from achieving a singularity just as they get
close to it. Another candidate for the 'great filter'? Maybe.
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