[ExI] California storms

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Feb 5 18:51:48 UTC 2024



-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of
BillK via extropy-chat
Sent: Monday, 5 February, 2024 9:49 AM
To: Extropy Chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Cc: BillK <pharos at gmail.com>
Subject: [ExI] California storms


I've just seen a news report that California is being hit with bad storms
and floods.




Deadly California storm wreaks havoc with trees uprooted and homes damaged
Man killed by falling tree as hundreds of thousands are left without power
and canyon homes are evacuated

By Claire Gilbody-Dickerson   February 5, 2024



The report also said -

Just to the south in San Jose, emergency crews pulled occupants out of the
windows of a car stranded by floodwater and rescued people from a homeless
encampment alongside a rising river.



That might be the homeless camp that Spike was posting about a few months


I hope we hear soon that our California members are OK.







Hi BillK, thx I hadn't heard of a tree slaying some hapless prole near here,
but such is the nature of news in our times: something happens right in
one's own neighborhood, we hear about it from a friend in Jolly Olde
England, because we have no local news sources and even if we did, they
might not report that.


Coincidental for you to mention that, for yesterday I was out walking in the
gale.  I am from Florida, and one of the things I really miss is loud angry
weather.  We don't have much of that in California.  A good righteous storm
is unusual.  So when it happens, as it did yesterday, I test my hiking gear
by donning everything and going out around the neighborhood in a driving
gale.  Oh what fun, said the crazy bahstid out there walking in this


Well, it was kinda.  I am not a very beefy sort, as Adrian can attest.  More
of a beef jerky sort perhaps, but with bones imbedded within the little bit
of flesh, so my surface area to volume ratio is high enough to make for
great sport in high wind conditions.


While I was out at the park near my house, I saw that a tree had blown
across the walkway, the one the childring use on their way to school.  I was
not man enough to drag it off the path, and the grassy area to the right of
the tree is a mud bog now, so I went and fetched my neighbor.
Unfortunately, he too is a superannuated gentleman, so the two of us
together were not substantial enough to drag that tree off the path:



Fortunately, technology came to our rescue, as technology is known to do for
those of us who lack actual strength and brains.  I went home and fetched


With my neighbor as the local cheering section, I reduced the reclining
flora to KINDLING with Mister Chain Saw.  We could pretend we were doing a
good deed clearing a path for those childring to get to school.  But of
course, Mister Chain Saw is the greatest man toy ever invented.  It makes a
lot of noise, it destroys stuff, it gives a man a sense of power like
nobody's business and as a marvelous bonus, it even provides a delightful
level of actual danger.  It is practically a testosterone injection!  There
is a good reason why Mister Chain Saw is the weapon of choice for Duke


My bride wondered what had gotten into me when I returned home.  Mildly
alarmed she was, while simultaneously intrigued and hoping I would do more
of whatever drug I had secretly devoured while on my insane stroll thru the
gale force winds.


BillK, do not be alarmed sir.  This is the kinda stuff we yanks do for fun.
We don't have redcoats to fight anymore, and the state of California has
made it practically illegal to carry a firearm while not committing an
actual felony.  If one is carrying in order to carry out a felony, our legal
system will let that go.  But the local constabulary takes a dim view if one
merely carries a firearm while ot committing an actual felony.  So I
couldn't just go home and get Mister Thirty Aught Six and blast the damn
weed out of the way.  Mister Chain Saw got the job.


There's more rain and wind coming this week.  I am hoping to go hunting for
downed trees.  I still have gasoline left in Mister Chain Saw.







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