[ExI] "Olympics on steroids" takes a high-tech, F1-style angle on athletics

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Thu Feb 8 22:47:51 UTC 2024

Good evening spike,

On Thu, 8 Feb 2024, spike at rainier66.com wrote:

> I agree Daniel.
> Regarding drug-enhanced competitions, we had an ExI chatter who insisted that drugs could improve performance in chess.  I very steadfastly argued that they cannot, with the possible well-known exception being caffeine.

Interesting... I mean chess is a lot about training your memory to
recognize certain positions, so I guess a drug that enables you to train
longer and harder might indirectly affect yoru chess performance.

But a drug directly affecting chess performance, I don't know. Probably
other here are way more knowledgeable than I am and can suggest some
goodies. ;)

> If there is one thing on this planet which Peter Thiel loves more than money, it is chess.  If I knew how to contact him, I would propose he put up a modest sum for prize money, then have a tournament of stoners vs squares.

Really? I had no idea! I know Woody Harrelson is another chess fan, but
I would have expected Thiel, out of joy and a certain vanity, to sponsor
some big branded chess tournaments. Or maybe he has?

> I would cheerfully play for the squares.

Are you good? Can you teach me? At a previous project I got to know an
IM who started to teach me, but then he decided to quit chess since it
took too much time and stopped. =(

Best regards, 

> I suppose to make it fair, the same players would need to switch teams, and if so, he can count me out.  But if anyone could find a way, some kind of objective measure, I would still bet on Team Square.
> spike

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