[ExI] "Olympics on steroids" takes a high-tech, F1-style angle on athletics

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Thu Feb 8 23:03:11 UTC 2024

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of
efc--- via extropy-chat

>...But a drug directly affecting chess performance, I don't know. Probably
other here are way more knowledgeable than I am and can suggest some
goodies. ;)

Eh, I am not looking for goodies.  I want someone else to fool with these
goodies and I will play without goodies.  I wouldn't touch that kind of
goodies with a stick of dynamite.

One of our former members Robert Bradbury claimed there are
brain-performance enhancers.  I didn't ask any questions, and now we will
never know, because Robert mysteriously passed away at age 57.

> I would cheerfully play for the squares.

>...Are you good?

Middle A, rating 1900 typcally.

 >...Can you teach me?

The best bet is to get on Chess.com and play your brains out.  It adjusts to
your skill level, and gives you worthy opponents.  

I have scaled back.  Chess is addictive as hell.


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