[ExI] Top Soil Depletion

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Sun Feb 11 19:14:16 UTC 2024

On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 7:58 PM <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Henson <hkeithhenson at gmail.com>
> >
> >>... Clarification Keith: I meant a coupla billion meat-world humans living 8 to 10 decade lives on this rock.
> >...This seems unlikely.  If we get reversible uploading and the uploaded state is a more enjoyable life, the physical state population will collapse toward zero.  And why 8-10 decades?  If life extension happens at all, why would it stop at 100 years?
> Keith

> Keith there are a number of possibilities, such as:
> An uploaded life along with a meat world existence are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

I have written fiction on this very point.  In the fictional world,
the "powers that be" are trying to maintain a physical world
population in the face of a much more attractive uploaded existence.
They are having a hard time.

> We might find out there is value in a meat-world pre-existence to uploading.

In my fictional world, reproduction just does not happen in the
uploaded state.  I suppose generating new individuals from whole cloth
is possible, but I don't see why or how.  On the other hand, we might
share the simulated environment with AIs.

> There might be a significant fraction of humanity that intentionally and actively resists uploading, just as a significant fraction of humanity today eschews modern technology.

No doubt.  But even the Amish use cell phones.  Some kinds of
technology have become ubiquitous.

> There might be some experiences and jobs that meat-world humans can do which uploads need.

Given nanotechnology, that seems unlikely.  I did consider writing a
story where the last human was given the job of watching the blinky
blinky lights for the uploaded world and when they quit, pushing the
reboot button.


> spike

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