[ExI] Mind Uploading

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 13:45:01 UTC 2024

On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 at 04:41, Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 22, 2024, 4:03 PM BillK via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> The uploads would think faster, be tightly interconnected and share a
>> common knowledge database. They would be working together for goals
>> that we can hardly imagine.
> Would they, just because they're on the same computer?
> _______________________________________________

Wow!  :)  That's a one-liner that needs an article-length response!
As you know, there has been much written to speculate about what human mind
uploading might be like.   I cannot see uploaded humans continuing to
behave the same as when in a physical body. Luckily, we now have helpers to
do the research.

What you are really asking is "How might mind uploading change humans?".

OK. Here is the result that some AIs produced.

*The Impact of Mind Uploading on Humans*

*Mind uploading*, also known as whole brain emulation, is a hypothetical
concept that involves transferring the mental contents of a biological
brain to a computer or digital substrate. If mind uploading were to become
a reality, it would have profound implications for humanity, fundamentally
changing the way we perceive ourselves and interact with the world. Here
are some ways in which mind uploading could potentially change humans:


   *Immortality*: One of the most significant potential impacts of mind
   uploading is the possibility of achieving a form of digital immortality. By
   transferring one’s consciousness to a digital substrate, individuals could
   theoretically live indefinitely, free from the limitations of aging and

   *Enhanced Cognitive Abilities*: Mind uploading could potentially allow
   for the enhancement of cognitive abilities beyond what is possible with a
   biological brain. By running on advanced computing systems, uploaded minds
   could process information faster, store vast amounts of data, and
   potentially even access artificial intelligence algorithms to augment their
   thinking capabilities. It might be possible to optimize and enhance the
   brain's capabilities, potentially leading to superhuman intelligence,
   memory, and problem-solving abilities. Instant communication is
   effectively telepathy with other uploaded minds.

   *Virtual Existence*: Uploaded minds could exist in virtual environments,
   experiencing realities that are not bound by the physical constraints of
   the real world. This could open up new possibilities for exploration,
   creativity, and social interaction in virtual spaces.

   *Ethical and Philosophical Considerations*: The advent of mind uploading
   would raise complex ethical and philosophical questions about identity,
   consciousness, autonomy, and personhood. What defines an individual? Would
   an uploaded mind be considered the same person as the original biological
   entity? How would society treat entities existing solely in digital form?

   *A Philosophical Transformation*

   The ability to upload human minds would force society to re-examine the
   fundamental definitions and values of human life. Removing minds from
   biological constraints fundamentally alters conceptions of life, death, and
   the nature of existence. It may change humanity's relationship with
   mortality and notions of the "soul" as distinct from consciousness. It
   could lead to existential questions, and changes in how individuals relate
   to their 'self' and identities. Uploading also blurs the lines between
   humans and machines. Society will need an open philosophical dialogue to
   adapt to these changes.
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